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  第一章 总 则

  第一条 为了加强对文物的保护、利用和管理,根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》、《中华人民共和国文物保护法实施条例》的规定,结合自治区实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 本自治区行政区域内的文物和具有科学价值的古脊椎动物化石、古植物化石、古人类化石、地震遗址的保护、利用和管理,适用本办法。

  第三条 各级人民政府负责本行政区域内的文物保护工作。

  第四条 县级以上人民政府应当将文物保护事业纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划和城乡建设规划,将文物保护事业所需经费列入本级财政预算。

  第五条 自治区境内地下、内水中遗存的一切文物,属于国家所有。

  第六条 各级人民政府应当对下列文物实行重点保护:
(一) 长城、岩画、石窟寺、大型古文化遗址、古脊椎动物化石遗址、古植物化石遗址、古墓葬、古建筑;
(二) 珍贵馆藏文物;
(三) 有重大纪念意义的革命历史文物;
(四) 其他需要重点保护的文物。

  第七条 一切机关、组织和个人都有依法保护文物的义务。

  第八条 对在文物保护工作中取得显著成绩的单位和个人,由县级以上人民政府给予表彰、奖励。

  第二章 不可移动文物

  第九条 不可移动文物实行原址保护原则。未经依法批准,不得迁移、拆除不可移动文物。

  第十条 文物保护工程施工,应当按照文物行政主管部门批准的工程设计方案进行;需要变更已批准的工程设计方案的,必须经原批准部门批准。

  第十一条 对新发现的不可移动文物,县级以上人民政府应当根据文物保护工作的需要,对土地利用总体规划和城乡建设规划作出适当的修改、调整。
  第十二条 自治区文物行政主管部门负责组织制定全国重点文物保护单位和自治区级文物保护单位的具体保护措施,并公告施行。

  第十三条 文物保护单位保护范围内的非文物建筑物和构筑物,危害文物保护单位安全、破坏或者影响文物保护单位历史风貌的,应当拆除或者改造。拆除、改造费用按照文物保护单位级别由相关人民政府解决;非文物建筑物和构筑物属于违法建筑的,拆除费用由违法行为人承担。

  第十四条 在文物保护单位的保护范围内和建设控制地带内,禁止从事下列活动:

  第十五条 在文物保护单位建设控制地带内修建的建筑物或者构筑物,其形式、高度、体量、色调等必须与文物保护单位周围的环境风貌相协调。其设计方案应当征得同级文物行政主管部门的同意,并报同级规划部门批准。

  第十六条 被列为旅游景点的文物保护单位,由文物行政主管部门指导具体管理部门制定保护方案;保护方案由文物保护单位的管理者负责实施。

  第十七条 宗教活动场所经依法批准为文物保护单位的,由管理该宗教活动场所的宗教组织负责对其进行修缮、保养和安全管理,并应当遵守文物保护法律法规的规定,接受文物行政主管部门和宗教事务管理部门的指导和监督。

  第三章 考古发掘

  第十八条 进行大、中型工程建设的,建设单位在取得项目选址意见书后,应当报请自治区文物行政主管部门在工程范围内有可能埋藏文物的地方进行考古调查、勘探。自治区文物行政主管部门应当在接到申请之日起30个工作日内,组织从事考古发掘的单位完成考古调查、勘探,并作出考古调查、勘探结果处理意见书。建设行政部门应当根据考古调查、勘探结果处理意见书,依法办理建设工程相关审批手续。

  第十九条 在被确认有埋藏文物的地方进行工程建设的,自治区文物行政主管部门应当在开工前与建设单位签订文物保护责任书,确定文物保护责任人。
  第二十条 在日常生产生活中发现文物或者工程建设单位、工程施工人员在施工过程中发现文物的,应当立即报告文物行政主管部门。对急需抢救的文物,文物行政主管部门应当立即采取抢救措施;对需要进一步勘探、发掘的,依法报请自治区文物行政主管部门组织勘探、发掘;对已被哄抢、私分、藏匿的文物,应当立即向公安机关报告并协助公安机关及时追回。

  第二十一条 在被确认有埋藏文物的地方进行考古发掘的,由自治区文物行政主管部门组织;需要实施原址保护的,建设工程规划应当进行调整或者另行选址。

  第二十二条 考古发掘工作结束后,文物行政主管部门应当及时将处理意见书面通知建设单位。发现重要遗迹需要实施原址保护的,建设行政主管部门应当责成建设单位及时调整工程设计、建设方案。

  第四章 馆藏文物

  第二十三条 文物收藏单位应当建立和落实文物安全责任制度。

  第二十四条 自治区文物行政主管部门应当组织文物专家对文物收藏单位收藏的文物进行鉴定。参与鉴定的专家不得少于三人。

  第二十五条 博物馆、图书馆和其他文物收藏单位应当建立总帐、分类帐、卡片和档案,并建立馆藏文物核查制度,对馆藏文物定期进行检查。

  第二十六条 国有文物收藏单位的法定代表人、文物库房保管员工作变动时,应当按照馆藏文物档案移交馆藏文物,并经文物行政主管部门确认。

  第二十七条 国有文物收藏单位应当将其收藏的文物或者图片资料向社会开放。

  第五章 文物流通和利用
  第二十八条 文物收藏单位以外的公民、法人和其他组织,可以通过继承或者接受赠予等合法方式取得文物,其收藏的文物可以依法流通,但法律、行政法规禁止流通的文物除外。

  第二十九条 文物行政主管部门应当加强对文物市场的监督检查,对违法进行交易的文物予以先行登记保存,并移送工商行政管理部门、公安机关依法处理。

  第三十条 文物商店、拍卖企业销售、拍卖文物的,应当在销售、拍卖前30日内,向自治区文物行政主管部门提交申请资料。自治区文物行政主管部门自接到申请之日起20日内,依据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》第五十六条的规定,作出审核决定。

  第三十一条 允许文物商店销售的文物,应当粘贴自治区文物行政主管部门制作的标识。

  第三十二条 文物商店购买、销售的文物和拍卖企业拍卖的文物,应当按照国家有关规定作出记录,并于购买、销售或者拍卖之日起60日内,向自治区文物行政主管部门备案。

  第三十三条 民办博物馆收藏、保管、利用文物的,应当遵守文物法律、法规的有关规定,并接受文物行政主管部门的监督检查。

  第三十四条 为制作商业性出版物、音像制品或者进行其他商业性活动,需要拍摄文物保护单位或者将文物保护单位作为活动场地的,根据文物保护单位的级别,由文物保护单位的管理者报经相关的文物行政主管部门同意。拍摄单位或者活动举办者应当按规定支付费用。

  第六章 法律责任

  第三十五条 违反本办法第九条、第十条、第十五条规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府文物行政主管部门责令改正;造成严重后果的,处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款:

  第三十六条 违反本办法,有第十四条规定行为之一的,由公安、国土、环保、林业等部门依法予以处罚

  第三十七条 违反本办法第十八条规定,建设单位未经文物考古调查、勘探或者发掘擅自开工建设的,由自治区文物行政主管部门责令改正,拒不改正的,处一万元以上十万元以下的罚款;造成文物灭失、损毁的,依法承担赔偿责任。

  第三十八条 违反本办法第二十五条第二款规定,未经批准擅自调取馆藏文物的,由县级以上人民政府文物行政主管部门责令改正。

  第三十九条 违反本办法第三十条第二款规定,文物商店、文物拍卖企业未经审核或者超出核准范围销售、拍卖文物的,由工商行政管理部门没收违法所得、非法经营的文物;违法经营额五万元以上的,并处违法经营额一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;违法经营额不足五万元的,并处五千元以上五万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由原发证机关吊销许可证书。

  第四十条 违反本办法第三十一条第二款规定,文物商店剥除、更换、挪用、损毁或者伪造文物标识的,由县级以上人民政府文物行政主管部门给予警告,责令改正;有违法所得的,没收违法所得,并处三千元以上三万元以下的罚款。

  第四十一条 违反本条例第三十四条第一款的规定,拍摄单位或者活动举办单位未经文物行政主管部门同意,擅自拍摄或者利用文物保护单位的,由主管的文物行政主管部门责令改正,收缴非法录制品或者没收违法所得,并处二千元以上二万元以下的罚款。

  第四十二条 上级人民政府对下级人民政府不履行文物保护职责的,应当责令改正;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。

  第四十三条 当事人对行政机关做出的行政处罚决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。

  第七章 附 则

  第四十四条 本办法自2007年1月1日起施行。1989年10月27日自治区第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第九次会议通过的《宁夏回族自治区文物保护条例》同时废止。




第一章 总则
第一条 为了适应上海市对外开放和经济发展的需要,加强和完善外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的管理,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构是指依照本办法和中华人民共和国其他法律、法规的规定,经批准设立、登记注册和营业的下列机构:
第三条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法规,其正当业务活动和合法权益受中华人民共和国法律保护。
第四条 中国人民银行是审批、管理和监督外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的主管机关;中国人民银行授权上海市分行对外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构进行日常管理和监督。

第二章 设立与登记
第五条 申请设立外资银行应当具备下列条件:
第六条 申请设立外资银行分行应当具备下列条件:
第七条 申请设立合资银行、合资财务公司应当具备下列条件:
第八条 设立外资银行,应当由投资者向中国人民银行提出申请,并提交下列证件、资料:
第九条 设立外资银行分行,应当由其总行向中国人民银行提出申请,并提交下列证件、资料:
第十条 设立合资银行或者合资财务公司,应当由合资各方共同向中国人民银行提出申请,并提交下列证件、资料:
第十一条 本办法第八、九、十条中所列证件、资料,除年报外,凡用外文书写的,均须附具中文译本。
第十二条 设立申请经中国人民银行审查同意后,发给申请者正式申请表。
第十三条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当在接到中国人民银行批准证书后三十天内,依照中华人民共和国有关法律、法规规定,向工商行政管理机关办理登记注册,领取营业执照,并应当依法自开业之日起三十天内向税务机关办理税务登记。
第十四条 已经批准的外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当在领取营业执照后,向国家外汇管理局申领《经营外汇业务许可证》。
第十五条 已经批准的外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构自接到中国人民银行批准证书之日起十二个月内未营业者,原批准文件自动失效。
第十六条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构有下列情况之一的,须经中国人民银行核准:

第三章 注册资本和营运资金
第十七条 外资银行、合资银行的最低注册资本为三千万美元等值的自由兑换货币,合资财务公司的最低注册资本为二千万美元等值的自由兑换货币;其实收资本均不得低于其注册资本的50%。
第十八条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当在接到中国人民银行批准证书之后三十天内,筹足其实收资本或者营运资金,由中国注册会计师验证并出具证明。
第十九条 外资银行、合资银行、合资财务公司须每年从其税后净利润中提取25%的资金补充资本金,直至其实收资本加储备金的总额达到其注册资本的二倍。

第四章 业务范围
第二十条 根据申请,中国人民银行批准外资银行、合资银行、外资银行分行经营下列业务的部分或者全部:
第二十一条 根据申请,中国人民银行批准合资财务公司经营下列业务的部分或者全部:
第二十二条 本章所称外币存款是指以外币表示的下列存款:
第二十三条 外资银行、合资银行、外资银行分行在办理进出口结算业务时,服务对象为境内外商投资企业和有进出口经营权的非外商投资企业。但办理非外商投资企业的进口结算业务的,该项进口所需资金应当来自本银行的贷款。

第五章 业务管理
第二十四条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构经营存款业务,应当向中国人民银行上海市分行缴存存款准备金,其比率由中国人民银行制定,并根据需要进行调整。存款准备金不计利息。
第二十五条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构对一个企业及其关联企业的放款,不得超过其实收资本加储备金总额的30%,但经中国人民银行特许的除外。
第二十六条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的投资总额不得超过其实收资本加储备金额的30%,但经中国人民银行批准投资于金融企业的除外。
第二十七条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的总资产不得超过其实收资本加储备金总额的二十倍。
第二十八条 外资银行分行的营运资金的30%应当以中国人民银行指定的生息资产形式存在,包括在中国人民银行指定的银行存款等。
第二十九条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的房地产不得超过其实收资本加储备金总额的25%,其他固定资产不得超过其实收资本加储备金总额的15%。
第三十条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当确保其资产的流动性。
第三十一条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构从中国境内吸收的存款不得超过该机构在中国境内的总资产的40%。
第三十二条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当按规定保留适当的呆帐准备金。
第三十三条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的外币存、放款利率及各种手续费率,通过同业公会协商确定或者参照国际市场行情制定,报中国人民银行上海市分行核准。
第三十四条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构依法纳税后的利润,应当按照规定提取储备基金、职工奖励基金、福利基金和企业发展基金。
第三十五条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当至少聘用一名中国公民为高层管理人员。
第三十六条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当固定聘用中国注册会计师,并经中国人民银行上海市分行认可。

第六章 监督检查
第三十七条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构应当建立完善的内部稽核制度,增强自我约束的能力。
第三十八条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构须按规定向中国人民银行报送财务和业务报表。
第三十九条 中国人民银行及其上海市分行有权检查、稽核外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的业务和财务状况。

第七章 解散与清算
第四十条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构自行终止业务活动,须在终止前三十天以书面形式向中国人民银行提出申请,经中国人民银行批准后予以解散并进行清算。
第四十一条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构无力偿付其债务的,中国人民银行可令其停业,限期清理。在清理期限内,已恢复偿付能力的机构,需要复业的,须向中国人民银行提出申请。
第四十二条 自行终止业务活动和依法被停业的外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构,其解散和清算事项,须按照中华人民共和国有关规定办理。
第四十三条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构进行清理,须在依法缴清税款和清偿全部债务后,方可退还股本、分配股利。
第四十四条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构清算完毕,应当在规定期限内向原登记机关办理注销登记。

第八章 罚则
第四十五条 违反本办法第二章规定,擅自设立外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构的,中国人民银行有权责令其停业,没收其非法所得,处以五万元以上、十万元以下人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十六条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构违反本办法第四章规定,超越批准业务范围从事经营的,中国人民银行及其上海市分行有权责令其停止所超越部分的经营活动,依法没收其超越部分的非法所得,处以一万元以上、五万元以下人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十七条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构违反本办法第五章规定,中国人民银行及其上海市分行有权责令其纠正、调整或者补足,并根据情节处以五千元以上、三万元以下人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十八条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构违反本办法第六章规定,未按期报送报表或者抗拒监督检查的,中国人民银行及其上海市分行可视其情节给予警告、通报或者处以三千元以上、一万元以下人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十九条 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构违反本办法,情节严重的,中国人民银行可责令其停业直至撤销机构。

第九章 附则
第五十条 本办法对华侨资本和香港、澳门、台湾地区资本的金融机构,比照适用。
第五十一条 本办法发布施行前,已在上海市的外资银行分行,应当依照本办法的规定补办设立和登记手续;不符合本办法有关规定的,由中国人民银行上海市分行指定期限令其调整。
第五十二条 本办法由中国人民银行负责解释。中国人民银行可以根据本办法制定具体规定。
第五十三条 本办法自发布之日起施行。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(Approved by the State Council on September 7, 1990 and promul-
gated by Decree No. 2 of the People's Bank of China on September 8, 1990)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1
These Measures are formulated for the purpose of meeting the needs of
opening to the outside world and the economic development of the Shanghai
Municipality, strengthening and perfecting the administration of foreign-
capital financial institutions and Chinese-foreign equity joint financial
Article 2
The term "foreign-capital financial institutions and Chinese-foreign
equity joint financial institutions", referred to in these Measures,
denotes the following institutions which are established with approval and
registered to engage in business operations in accordance with these
Measures and with the pertinent provisions of other laws and regulations
of the People's Republic of China:
1) foreign-capital banks with their head offices established in the
Shanghai Municipality (hereinafter referred to as "foreign bank");
2) branches of foreign banks established in the Shanghai Municipality
(hereinafter referred to as "foreign branch bank");
3) banks established in the Shanghai Municipality with joint capital and
operation by foreign financial institutions and Chinese financial
institutions (hereinafter referred to as "joint bank"); and
4) financial companies established in the Shanghai Municipality with joint
capital and operation by foreign financial institutions and Chinese
financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as "joint financial
Article 3
Foreign-capital financial institutions and Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institutions shall abide by the laws and regulations of the
People's Republic of China and their legitimate business activities and
lawful rights and interests shall be protected by Chinese laws.
Article 4
The People's Bank of China is the competent authority in charge of
examining and approving, administering, and supervising foreign-capital
financial institutions and Chinese-foreign equity joint financial
institutions. The People's Bank of China authorizes its Shanghai Branch to
exercise day-to-day administration and supervision of foreign-capital
financial institutions and Chinese-foreign equity joint financial

Chapter II Establishment and Registration

Article 5
Any party applying for the approval to set up a foreign bank shall satisfy
the following requirements:
1) the investor is a financial institution;
2) the applicant has a representative office of more than three years'
standing inside China; and
3) the applicant possesses total assets of more than US$ 10 billion at the
end of the year prior to the submission of such an application.
Article 6
Any party applying for the approval to set up a foreign branch bank shall
satisfy the following requirements:
1) the applicant has a representative office of more than three years'
standing inside China;
2) the applicant possesses total assets of more than US$ 20 billion at the
end of the year prior to the submission of such an application; and
3) in the home country or region of the applicant, there is a sound system
for financial administration and supervision.
Article 7
Parties applying for the approval to set up a joint bank or a joint
financial company shall satisfy the following requirements:
1) each investing party to a joint bank or joint financial company is a
financial institution; and
2) the foreign investor has a representative office inside China.
Article 8
For a foreign bank to be set up, the foreign investor shall apply to the
People's Bank of China and submit the following documents and data:
1) an application for the establishment thereof, which shall include the
name of the intended bank, the registered capital and the amount of the
paid-in capital, and the types of business operations the bank intends to
engage in;
2) a feasibility study report;
3) the statements of assets and liabilities of the investor during the
three successive years prior to the submission of such an application,
together with the relevant certifying documents;
4) the draft articles of association of the intended bank;
5) a copy of the business licence of the investor approved and issued by
the competent authority concerned in the home country or region of the
investor; and
6) other documents and data as required by the People's Bank of China.

Article 9
For a foreign branch bank to be set up, the head office of the foreign
bank concerned shall apply to the People's Bank of China and submit the
following documents and data: 1) an application duly signed by the
chairman of the board of directors or the general manager of the bank,
which shall include the name of the intended branch bank, the amount of
operating funds approved and allocated by the head office, and the types
of business operations the branch bank intends to engage in;
2) annual reports for the three successive years prior to the submission
of such an application;
3) a copy of the business licence of the applying bank approved and issued
by the competent authorities of the home country or region of the applying
bank; and 4) other documents and data as required by the People's Bank of
Article 10
For a joint bank or a joint financial company to be set up, all the
parties thereto shall jointly apply to the People's Bank of China and
submit the following documents and data:
1) an application for the establishment thereof, which shall include the
name of the intended joint financial institution, the name of each
investing party thereto, the registered capital and the amount of the
paid-in capital, the respective percentage of contributions by the
parties, and the types of business operations the joint financial
institution intends to engage in;
2) a feasibility study report jointly prepared by the parties thereto;
3) the agreement, the contract and the draft articles of association of
the joint financial institution initialled by the authorized
representative of each of the parties thereto;
4) the statements of assets and liabilities of each of the parties thereto
during the three successive years prior to the submission of such an
application, together with relevant supporting documents;
5) copies of the respective business licences of all the parties thereto
approved and issued by the competent authorities concerned of the home
country or region of each of the parties; and
6) other documents and data as required by the People's Bank of China.

Article 11
Any of the documents and data prescribed in Articles 8, 9 and 10 of these
Measures, with the exception of the annual reports, if written in a
foreign language, shall be submitted together with a Chinese translation
Article 12
After the application for the approval of such establishment has been
examined and approved by the People's Bank of China, an official
application form shall be issued to the applicant(s).
The applicant(s) shall, after filling in the official application form,
formally apply to the People's Bank of China and shall submit the
following documents for the application:
1) the official application form duly signed by the legal
representative(s) of the applicant(s) or the representative(s) authorized
by the applicant(s) (which shall be submitted in triplicate);
2) a list of the principal persons in charge of the institution to be set
up and their respective curriculum vitae;
3) power(s) of attorney for the principal persons in charge of the
institution; 4) where a foreign branch bank is to be set up, letters of
undertaking issued by the head office assuming for its branch office the
obligations for tax payment and debt repayment; and
5) other relevant data.

Article 13
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution shall, within 30 days of receipt of the certificate
of approval issued by the People's Bank of China, undertake the procedures
of registration for the issuance of business licence with the
administrative department for industry and commerce in accordance with the
pertinent laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and
shall, within 30 days of commencement of business operations, undertake
the procedures for tax registration with the tax authorities in accordance
with the law.
Article 14
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution whose establishment has been approved shall, after
obtaining the business licence, apply to the State Administration of
Foreign Exchange Control for the approval and issuance of a Licence for
Business Operations in Foreign Exchange.
Article 15
In the event that a foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-
foreign equity joint financial institution should fail to commence its
business operations within 12 months of receipt of the certificate of
approval issued by the People's Bank of China, the certificate of approval
shall automatically become null and void.
Article 16
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution shall apply to the People's Bank of China for
verification and approval in respect of any one of the following items:
1) adjustment and transfer of the investment capital stock;
2) change of the business site;
3) change of the chairman (or the vice-chairman) of the board of
directors, or the president (or the vice-president), the general manager
(or the deputy general manager), or the president (or vice-president) of a
branch office; and
4) establishment of a branch office outside China.

Chapter III Registered Capital and Operating Funds

Article 17
The minimum amount of the registered capital of a foreign bank or a joint
bank shall be freely convertible currencies equivalent to US$ 30 million.
The minimum amount of the registered capital of a joint financial company
shall be freely convertible currencies equivalent to US$ 20 million. Their
respective paid-in capital shall be no less than 50 percent of their
respective registered capital.
A foreign branch bank shall be allocated as its operating funds by its
head office a sum of freely convertible currencies equivalent to not less
than US$ 10 million.
Article 18
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution shall, within 30 days of receipt of the certificate
of approval issued by the People's Bank of China, raise in full the paid-
in capital operating funds, which shall be verified by a Chinese
registered accountant, who shall, upon verification, issue a certificate
to that effect.
Article 19
Each year, a foreign bank, a joint bank, or a joint financial company
shall allocate 25 percent of its after-tax net profit as supplementary
capital until the total amount of the paid-in capital and reserve funds is
twice that of the registered capital. Each year, a foreign branch bank
shall keep 25 percent of its after-tax net profit inside China to
supplement its operating funds until the kept profit is equal to its
operating funds.

Chapter IV Business Scope

Article 20
The People's Bank of China shall, based on the application submitted to
it, grant permission to a foreign bank, a joint bank, or a foreign branch
bank to engage in part or all of the following business operations:
1) deposits in foreign currencies;
2) loans in foreign currencies;
3) discounts of negotiable instruments in foreign currencies;
4) investments in foreign currencies;
5) remittances in foreign currencies;
6) guarantees of foreign exchange;
7) import and export settlement;
8) buying and selling of foreign exchange on its own account or on
customers' account; 9) buying and selling of securities in foreign
10) acting as an agent for the exchange of foreign currencies and for the
cashing of negotiable instruments in foreign currencies;
11) acting as an agent for payments against credit cards in foreign
currencies; 12) custody and safe deposit box services;
13) credit and financial standing investigation and consultancy services;
and 14) other services approved.
Article 21
The People's Bank of China shall, based on the application submitted to
it, grant permission to a joint financial company to engage in part or all
of the following business operations:
1) loans in foreign currencies;
2) discounts of negotiable instruments in foreign currencies;
3) investments in foreign currencies;
4) guarantees of foreign exchange;
5) buying and selling of securities in foreign currencies;
6) credit and financial standing investigations and consultancy services;
7) trust in foreign currencies;
8) deposits in foreign currencies with each deposit amounting to not less
than US$ 100,000 for period of no less than three months; and
9) other services approved.
Article 22
The terms "deposits in foreign currencies" referred to in this Chapter
denotes the following deposits denominated in foreign currencies:
1) interbank deposits inside and outside China;
2) non-interbank deposits outside China;
3) deposits by foreigners inside China;
4) deposits by overseas Chinese and by compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao
and Taiwan; 5) deposits by enterprises with foreign investment;
6) deposits of loans granted by foreign-capital financial institutions or
Chinese-foreign equity joint financial institutions to enterprises other
than those with foreign investment; and
7) other kinds of deposits approved.

Article 23
In handling import and export settlement, foreign banks, joint banks or
foreign branch banks shall offer services only to enterprises with foreign
investment and those enterprises other than those with foreign investment
which are authorized to engage in import and export operations. But with
respect to import settlement with enterprises other than those with
foreign investment, the funds needed for the import in question shall have
come from the loans of the bank which is handling the settlement.

Chapter V Management of Business

Article 24
A foreign-capital institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint financial
institution which engages in deposit business operations shall place
deposit reserves with the Shanghai Branch of the People's Bank of China.
The ratios of the reserves as against various deposits shall be determined
by the People's Bank of China and shall be adjusted in accordance with the
actual needs. Such deposit reserves shall be interest-free.
Article 25
The total amount of loans which a foreign-capital financial institution or
a Chinese-foreign equity joint financial institution grants to any one
enterprise and its associated enterprises may not exceed 30 percent of the
sum total of its paid-in capital and its total reserves, with the
exception of loans specially approved by the People's Bank of China.
Article 26
The total amount of investments by a foreign-capital financial institution
or by a Chinese-foreign equity joint financial institution may not exceed
30 percent of the sum total of its paid-in capital and its total reserves,
with the exception of investments in financial enterprises approved by the
People's Bank of China.
Article 27
The total assets of a foreign-capital financial institution or of a
Chinese-foreign equity joint financial institution may not exceed 20 times
the sum total of its paid-in capital and its total reserves.
Article 28
30 percent of the operating funds of a foreign branch bank shall be put by
in the form of interest-bearing assets as prescribed by the People's Bank
of China, which shall include depositing the said funds in a bank or banks
designated by the People's Republic of China.
Article 29
Real estate owned by a foreign-capital financial institution or by a
Chinese-foreign equity joint financial institution may not exceed 25
percent of the sum total of its paid-in capital and its total reserves;
its other assets may not exceed 15 percent thereof.
Article 30
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution shall ensure the mobility of its assets.
Article 31
The total amount of deposits by sources inside China in a foreign-capital
financial institution or in a Chinese-foreign equity joint financial
institution may not exceed 40 percent of its total assets inside China.

Article 32
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution shall maintain proper reserves for bad debts in
accordance with the relevant provisions.
Article 33
The interest rates of deposits and loans of a foreign-capital financial
institution or of a Chinese-foreign equity joint financial institution and
the various service charges shall be determined by the Bankers'
Association through consultation or be fixed in the light of the
international market and shall be submitted to the Shanghai Branch of the
People's Bank of China for approval.
Article 34
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions,
draw the reserve fund, the staff bonus fund, the welfare fund and the
enterprise development fund from the profit after tax paid in accordance
with the law.
Article 35
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution shall engage at least one Chinese citizen as member
of its senior managerial body. The senior managerial personnel of a
foreign-capital financial institution or of a Chinese-foreign equity joint
financial institution may not concurrently hold important positions in any
other economic organizations.
Article 36
A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint

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